The Member Online All-Star Competition

This past month, the House majority leader Steny Hoyer announced the Member Online All-Star competition. The goal of this competition is for Members of Congress to gain as many followers on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube) as possible in the span of three weeks. See the action here. Social media is very useful […]

In Support of Academic Cold-Emails

This is something that I often feel like I’ve often felt people don’t do enough in academic: cold emailing. Ah, yes. Emailing people you don’t know and asking them for help. *GASP*. The Horror… Too many people feel nervous about rejection or feel too uncomfortable asking strangers for help. But in my experience, cold emailing […]

I’ve been Tweeted!

This past December, I published my work on understanding staff perceptions of constituent communication. That work was shortened into a post on the Leg Branch Capacity Working group website, and re-tweeted by my funders, the Democracy Fund. I’ve never been tweeted before ( I don’t even use a Twitter) but it feels great to see […]

The Problem With Constituent Correspondence. Is Technology to Blame?

Citizen contact to Member offices has consistently predicted Member’s legislative behavior and perception of the district [1]. However, recent systemic research finds very little evidence that office contact from constituents is meaningfully conveyed to policymakers [2]. This is an insightful and important finding to anyone interested in how constituents can influence Members. However, the research frames […]