Papers, Reports, and Proposals


Full Document

Constituent Communication in Representative Democracy: Testing Platforms for Deliberation in the U.S. Congress

Public Report

Digital Deliberation. Analysis of a Lawmaker-driven, Online, Constituent Engagement Pilot Project.


Communications technology as symbols of institutional legitimacy in the U.S. congress. JITP 2019.

Information Materialities of Citizen Communication in the U.S. Congress. CSCW 2019.

White Papers:

My White Paper From Congressional Staff Interviews: “Constituent Correspondence In the U.S. Congress: A Survey of Staff Perspectives

Advancement Exams:

UCI Informatics Comprehensive Exam Submission: “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) used for representative-constituent communication in the U.S. Congress


My NSF GRFP Submission: My Proposal and Personal Statement.


How Congress turns citizens’ voices into data points. The Conversation. 2019.

UCI Student Profile. UCI. 2018.

Ph.D. Student Samantha McDonald Helps Us Better Connect with Congress. UCI. March 22, 2019


My CV of Failures